StartUp is the new general English course for adults and young adults who want to make their way in the world and need English to do it.
This innovative eight-level, multi-skills course is a complete language program. It motivates 21st century learners with relevant and media-rich content, and provides teachers with robust support to make teaching personalizable and easy.
StartUp is a flexible blended course that includes the Pearson Practice English App that takes learners from the page to mobile learning anywhere, anytime. It brings the world into the classroom and takes the classroom into the world, putting learners at its center. Learn more about StartUp here. Dr. Ken Beatty is Series Consultant.

LEAP features a cross-curricular approach to teaching students the vocabulary and skills they need to thrive in a real-life academic context, while helping them apply critical thinking to a variety of global issues. This three-level program – LEAP Intermediate (CEFR Level B1), LEAP High Intermediate (CEFR Level B2) and LEAP Advanced (CEFR Level C1) – delivers a flexible, discrete skills approach that uses high-interest international content to prepare students for the academic world.
Learn more about LEAP here
On Track 4, by Lia Roy and Ken Beatty, is a competency and grammar-based learning program for secondary school students. Six theme-based chapters take students through a variety of authentic readings and videos. These are complemented by constructed readings that help reinforce the grammar and vocabulary students have learned in each chapter. There are extensive online materials, including some imaginitive short stories. Published by Pearson/ERPI, the series is particularly popular in Canada’s Quebec market and complements On Track 1, 2, and 3.
Learn more about On Track here
Starship English
Starship English is an exciting, comprehensive English course for young learners that’s easy to teach. Learners use various strategies to express themselves in different ways rather than memorizing set phrases. Starship English focuses independent and integrated use of the four skills: reading, listening, writing, and speaking.
Starship English is a new and innovative, seven-level language program for primary and elementary school children learning American and international English as a second language. Grounded in a Notional-Functional syllabus with the Communicative Method, the program encourages learners to use various strategies to express themselves in different ways rather than memorizing set phrases.
Starship English focuses independent and integrated use of the four skills: reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Skills are developed separately and integrated in a variety of activities in both the student book and the activity book. Reading and writing are taught from the beginning, at a simple level appropriate to the developmental stage of the learners.
Each level of the program, organized around a theme, provides communicative methodology in a stimulating, student-centered approach:
- At Home at Level 1
- The School at Level 2
- The Neighborhood at Level 3
- The City at Level 4
- The Country at Level 5
- The World at level 6
Learn more about Starship English Here
Sounds Good
Sounds Good is a low-level listening course ranging from beginner to intermediate. Each level progresses gently and consists of twelve, 6-page units. There are opportunities for test practice in every unit as well as a review test for every three units plus semester and final tests on the Teacher Resource CD-ROM. Activities and listening skills are clearly signposted and designed with lots of white space. This series will appeal to teachers who prefer structured activities with on-the-page student support.
Learn more about Sounds Good here
More Books
I’ve written and co-written more than 130 books and continue to write more for various publishers. In the past year or so, these have included a grammar supplement (Break Away Grammar), a portion of a secondary school textbook (On Track 4), and two new Learning English for Academic Purposes (LEAP Listening and Speaking and LEAP Reading and Writing) for Pearson Canada, as well as a forthcoming illustrated short story aimed at teens (Age of Zeppelins) for efuture, Korea.
I’ve written for all levels and skills from the primary level (Starship English for HMH) to the secondary, undergraduate, and graduate (Teaching and Researching CALL for Routledge). I am always interested in discussing new publishing projects.