Starship English

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Starship English is an exciting, comprehensive English course for young learners that is easy to teach. Learners use various strategies to express themselves in different ways rather than memorizing set phrases. Starship English focuses independent and integrated use of the four skills: reading, listening, writing, and speaking.

Starship English is a new and innovative, seven-level language program for primary and elementary school children learning American and international English as a second language. Grounded in a Notional-Functional syllabus with the Communicative Method, the program encourages learners to use various strategies to express themselves in different ways rather than memorizing set phrases.

Starship English focuses independent and integrated use of the four skills: reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Skills are developed separately and integrated in a variety of activities in both the student book and the activity book. Reading and writing are taught from the beginning, at a simple level appropriate to the developmental stage of the learners.

Each level of the program, organized around a theme, provides communicative methodology in a stimulating, student-centered approach:

  • At Home at Level 1
  • The School at Level 2
  • The Neighborhood at Level 3
  • The City at Level 4
  • The Country at Level 5
  • The World at level 6

Learn more about Starship English Here